If you're wondering, yes, this really is the beautiful place where I get to work every day. But even more beautiful than the scenery are the girls that live here and the staff that work here.
Never in a million years did I think that I would be this lucky.
Quick Recap: I am working at a home in Guatemala for girls who have been rescued out of abusive homes. There are over 50 girls currently living here and they live at this home, which is a safe house for them, free from the abuse they have been rescued from. They get to attend school, live in a house with about 7-10 other girls and two house moms, receive one-on-one counseling and group therapy, as well as experience the love of Christ through all of the fantastic Guatemalan workers, the Tias (house moms) and the missionaries who are full time.
The girls are so helpful with the language learning and they aren't scared to correct my improper grammar, or suggest words for me when I can't think in Spanish anymore because I'm so tired. The Guatemalan staff are even more gracious than the girls and they are so patient with me. And luckily I have a lot of help from fluent missionaries as well.
Language school has been hard and draining, but FANTASTIC.
I also had my FIRST meeting with the psychologist I will be working with, as well as a long list of things to accomplish. You all know how much I love to do lists!!! (for real though, I do). I get to start attending counseling sessions this week!
Everyday I take a bus just like this (this is one of my buses, by the way. I finally got a good picture!) to Antigua and then I walk ten blocks to my school. I have lessons for 4 hours and then I return home to San Lucas via camioneta (chicken bus). My teacher, Heisell, is the same age as me and we laugh a lot together. Can you imagine that? Me? Laugh a lot? But it's so good. We only speak in Spanish, unless we are practicing vocab, in which case, we will both use English. She is so gracious with me and even though there is a language barrier, it is being broken down day by day and we can actually share life together.
Heisell had me memorize Psalm 23 in Spanish for my homework two weeks ago and then one day we just spent time talking about social justice. Let me tell you, to hear her talk with such passion and care about the poor, in Guatemala, it amazes me. I think we are a great match and I'm so grateful for all that she has taught me so far and I look forward to when we can communicate even better. Poco a Poco. Little by Little, my Spanish is getting better. Luckily no one expects me to be fluent, yet. Hah.
I also get to see my friends from the Center for Intercultural Training every day during language school! Three of the girls who were in my dorm at training attend school with me and we get to hangout during breaks, which is wonderful. I am so grateful for them and for their friendship.
This past weekend, we held the Quincenara for 10 girls at the Oasis. We had a record breaking 10, fifteen year olds and the celebration was huge. So much planning went into the weekend and I got to be a part of the planning the week leading up to the celebration and then participate the day of.
I have loved getting to know the girls so far and I was thrilled to share in their special day. I can't wait to get to know them better during my time here. Let me remind you friends. God is indeed in the act of restoring what has been broken and transforming hearts and lives. These girls are living testimonies of that. Beauty out of ashes.
2 silly Quincenaras waiting to get dressed up and done up right ;)
My sister Jenny and I dressed up for the Quince
A really sassy, fantastic picture I got of the girls as they were getting ready for their professional photo. I think this one shows much better personality than the smiles ;)
Also, this week there was the first Keeping Families Together Retreat at the Oasis. It was three days and my sister Jenny, ran this retreat and 10 girls who have left the Oasis to live with their families again, as the government deemed their families stable, but are still supported by Kids Alive. It was a great time of fun, crafts, games and devotionals. Something I love about the Oasis is that Jesus is all over it. Everything is centered around what God is doing and how he is transforming lives.
I spent one night with the girls and planned to drive into Antigua for school on Thursday, but I woke up super sick. I spend Thursday, Friday, most of Saturday and a lot of today on the couch or in bed, sleeping over 18 hours each day. Crazy, right? So, sadly I didn't get to spend as much time with the girls as I would have liked to and I didn't get to go to the birthday party for the little girl I sponsor, Saturday, and I missed two days of language school, but God has been showing off his graciousness and mercy.
I listened to a sermon today from back home, and I was reminded that Jesus is the God who weeps with us. He won't turn us away and He has unlimited time for us. It is so encouraging to see that lived out here in Guatemala.
One last story. This goes back to my first week here in Guatemala. I was at the Oasis Wednesday night for devotional. We were singing the song Beautiful Things, by Gungor (in Spanish of course) and I just closed my eyes and listened to the girls in the room singing out at the top of their lungs to the God who is making them new and restoring them. 55 beautiful girls who have been abused, hurt, mocked, spit upon. Ages 5 -18. Proclaiming that God IS making them new. He IS making them beautiful. And then to see tears streaming down the faces of some of the girls as the words were so powerful to them. God is in the act of restoring broken things and making things new. And until the day that he dries every tear, His son, Jesus weeps with us and continually makes us new and beautiful.
May your week be one filled with love, joy and thanks as you celebrate Thanksgiving this Thursday. Thank you for your support and love for me as well as your prayers and encouragement. I plan to blog again this week and I promise it won't be this long.
Much love and appreciation.