Tuesday, September 30, 2014

30 Days of Prayer

As I prepare for and go to Guatemala, here is a list of prayer requests that I will be praying through each month. There is one request for each day to help make it easier and not get bogged down in all of the intricacies of the ministry I will be a part of. I have found this to be helpful and I so appreciate my sister for her help and guidance in the construction of this. If you would like to be praying with me, you can follow the days below. 
  1. Missionaries: Pray for unity, safety and spiritual refreshment
  2. House Moms: There are 11 house moms (2 in each of the 5 houses and one substitute). The house moms have the responsibility of caring for the 10 girls in their house as well as overseeing chores and house devotions
  3. Kids Alive International: Home Office Staff and missionaries in other countries
  4. Guatemalan Administrative Staff at the Oasis- Our bookkeeper, program coordinator,
    administrator, and logistics coordinator
  5. Casa Ester: Offsite semi/independent living for older girls ages 18 and up. Currently there are 8 girls in this program. Pray that the girls would become more responsible and would have motivation/vision for their futures
  6. Keeping Families Together: Our ministry that works with the families of girls who have left the Oasis to return home. We continue to provide support and therapy to the girls and their families so that they can provide a safe and healthy environment for their children
  7. La Arquilla: Newest ministry at Oasis for pregnant girls who have become pregnant due to abuse. We currently have 5 girls and 4 babies in this program. Also pray for the house parents and nanny that work in this house
  8. Psychologists and Social Workers at the Oasis  
  9. Retreats/Spiritual Emphasis Times for the Girls
  10. Town of San Lucas: Location of the Oasis. Pray for safety and spiritual awakening.
  11. Ongoing Court Cases: Many of the girls are involved in ongoing criminal cases against their abusers. Pray for courage for the girls. Also, pray that the judges would have the wisdom and discernment that allows for justice to be done
  12. Oasis Leadership Team: Our Director Corbey Dukes and his team
  13. Unity among the girls in the houses
  14. Girls at school and their teachers: Pray for diligence and patience
  15. Wednesday Night Devotional Time: We are continuing to focus on the values of 2 Peter (faith, virtue, understanding, self-control, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and love)
  16. Safety, Protection and Health for the Oasis Girls and Staff
  17. Short Term Missions Teams with Kids Alive
  18. Home-School Education Program for Girls who are behind: Several girls are behind in school or have never been to school so we are trying to catch them up and provide them with extra help
  19. Sponsors for the girls: The girls need sponsors to help provide for their food, clothing, schooling, doctors appointments, etc.
  20. Financial Support for the Oasis
  21. Girls’ Families and Visitors Day: The first Saturday of each month the girls have family and sponsors who visit them
  22. Zapote: Kids Alive’s site in a village where there is a school and community program. Please pray for the two missionaries who will be going to Zapote to teach in a few months
  23. Healthy Relationships and Friendships for the Girls
  24. Spiritual Warfare: This is very real need. We need to be aware that we are fighting a spiritual battle. Satan doesn’t like the work that is going on in rescuing girls and introducing them to Christ. Pray against strongholds and the lies that Satan tries to plant in the lives of the missionaries and the girls
  25. House Devotions: Each day the girls and house moms have a devotional time in the house
  26. Special Events/Celebrations/Birthdays: For many of the girls it is at the Oasis that they receive their first gift and celebrate their birthday for the first time. Pray that the girls would feel loved through these celebrations and know how valuable they are to God
  27. Healing of Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Scars for the Girls
  28. Salvation for the Girls and their Families
  29. Homework/Tutoring Time: Pray for motivation for the girls to do well and try their best as well as for those of us who are helping them
  30. Openness to God’s work: Pray that the girls would be open to what God wants to do in their lives and that they would become strong women that God would use for his purposes

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