Saturday, September 27, 2014

My Way or the Highway?

What is truth? What is right and what is wrong? Does truth change based on the cultural context we find ourselves in or is truth absolute and divine?

How selfish and prideful I have been in assuming that my ideas and my constructs of truth are true. While I do believe I have begun to get a glimpse of God's truth, I am still completely human and completely fallible. I have so little knowledge and understanding, though I like to think I know a lot. 

At pre field training, we have been engaging in discussions of truth and epistemology and contextualization. These topics excite me. However they also deeply scare me because they remind me of my tendency to be completely self-centered in my thinking and responses. Okay, I'll admit, as a 21 year old, I have come to realize that I indeed do not know it all. ;) I have so far to go, though I have already come what I think is a long way. The more I learn, the more I realize how much I have to learn. The more people I meet and the deeper the conversations I have, the more I realize just how much I don't even have a grasp on, much less an understanding or knowledge.

These sorts of discussion and realizations often encourage deep thoughts in my little brain. Do I really believe that what I believe is really real? If so, shouldn't my life reflect those beliefs? And is it okay to revise those beliefs as I gain more knowledge and understanding?

I think revision of thought and belief is important or else the label of dogmatic might apply. 

Thus, I encourage you (and myself): keep thinking deep thoughts. Ask hard questions. Seek better understanding.

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